Flee 1 : All I can Carry
Pull to Stay : Push to Go
A 3-part installation telling one story of migration.
Flee: 1 - All I Can Carry (2024)
On an Earth-red slice of tree stands a figure. At her feet are houses with burnt roofs, bullets made from recycled cork and horse poo. She considers her first step, the push to leave, the pull to stay. With her is all she can carry; symbols of lived experience - mouths for language and song, fruit for recipes, a face for people who become history. A tear falls from the convoluted thoughts in her head.
Made from fallen beech, wool, wire, mushroom, grass, charcoal bramble, found rope, barbed wire, recycled leather cork sheepskin, pigments: red ochre, walnut. With a beech wood-turned tear.
Kin had very few facts from family history, rare fragments of a Motherland far away. A family so keen to assimilate; songs and recipes were not passed down. Feeling this absence alongside research into British colonial history and current politics, informed Kin’s imagination, and she began to sculpt a tale.
Alice Kin thanks Scarborough Museums and Galleries and Project Manager Sara Novell for supporting emerging artists and the creation of this work.